Sunday, November 19, 2006

Look at yourself, your age, your stature in life, who do you think you are, who do you think you are not?
You should be ashamed of yourself, of your behaviour and of your disregard for all those around you, your neighbours infact.
Today I met a man, a man among men, one whose blatant disregard for not only his fellow man, but also for himself was beyond belief, beyond comprehension.
I thought to myself, is this man truly representative of man, of modern man, is he a man among men, or merely a man among man.

Saturday, November 11, 2006


Am I scared?
I am scared!
What am I scared of?
I am scared of me!
Why am I scared?
I don't know!
How scared?
What does this mean to you?
But Fear is no SIN, it is our acceptance or lack of which is the problem. we all get scared, are scared, we know that feeling SO well.
But what is it?
It's more than a feeling

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Why OH why, Must the children die?

Do not be deceived there is no effect without a cause, nothing happens of itself, accidentally, coincidently, or by pure chance.
Everything that occurs, that goes on around us has a cause, a someone or something that allows matters, or makes things happen a certain way in order to generate the desired result, i.e., the effect.
The 35,000 children that die around the world every day, do not do so in vain or for no reason as may seem, given the excesses that we here in modern advanced western nations aspire to.
We have it all, or so it seems; we are demi-gods living in techno-topian paradise.
We enjoy a level of comfort like never before, we have affordable housing, adept transport, abundant delicacies to tantalise our ever-ravenous palate, not to mention levels of entertainment never before imagined.
Most of us think we work hard to acquire the possessions we need for our day to day survival, and also to be able to pick up along the way an array of stuff we think we need, we think we want but truly we have no use for and don’t even want at all.
Such is the plight of modern man!
They must decrease so that we can increase, in the paraphrased words of St John the Baptist.I have a personal problem with so called capitalist fat cats (i.e., materially successful business people) to the extent that their rewards were directly a result of their ownendeavorss and risk and how they choose to spend their well earned and deserved money, given the levels of poverty abundant in affluent "capitalist" societies.I find it somewhat difficult to agree that, "The unequal outcomes are therefore NATURAL, not immoral. It is the result of the simple fact that people are not born the same.." and not a case of mere exploitation and immoralbehaviorr as I feel and firmly believe.But hey...maybe I’m wrong, but I can't help how I feel and I do feel "that people are arbitrarily somehow (EQUALLY) entitled the full rights and privileges of their more well off neighbours" who should willingly share their wealth with those less fortunate in order to relieve the pain and suffering of their less fortunate neighbour.But once again this is only MY opinion and yes I agree with you "that in fact people ARE NOT born equal in capacities" and so even more reason for those who have greater wealth to freely and willingly support those brothers of theirs born less fortunate, with less opportunities and options and even abilities to better themselves and their situation.
But, I here you interject, there’s a flaw in your logic, how dare you try to create an abstract concept of social morality, how dare you classify us as the collective “WE”.
How dare you deflect your responsibility to the perceived ‘fat cats’ to those who you think should be supporting the poor, and yet you do nothing, you fail to even help your own neighbour who lays there on your own doorstep, suffering, dying, begging for your help and you show no mercy, but yet frown indignantly at the images of the dead children in Sudan and the thousands of homeless on the streets of New York.
It is not just how the perceived rich chose to spend their ill gotten monies that is the problem its also how I, who obviously in the eye of the poor and abject would seem to be a fat cat, even though I consider myself to be nothing more than a slave a drone a worker serving “THE MAN”.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Frustrated by fear
Frustrated by distractions
Frustrated by complacency
Frustrated by despair
Frustrated by wantonness
Frustrated by hate
Frustrated by rage
Frustrated by undulation
Frustrated by love
Frustrated by anxiety
Frustrated by stress
Frustrated by excitement
Frustrated by despondency
Frustrated by frustration.
The best made plans of men, remain unfinished, frustrated, incomplete.

Monday, October 23, 2006

The baseness associated with my own soul, becomes so obvious to all, who want to see, but who does? Apart from me, and to be honest I don't even think that I even notice my own malady and infernal condition.
The darker the lyric, the more blasphemous, coarse, violent, hateful, vulgar and offensive the greater the joy I felt, if the feeling could be called joy.
It was a sense of hate and condescension at one and all, a total disregard and disrespect for all.
That is why I sympathize and empathise with Generation Whine, who given their state of mind and spiritual condition have been forced to associate with these destructive forces which gnaw away at the souls, spirits and minds of the 'fan', causing them to behave in a way which defies logic, which emulates these dark forces that have so affected and influenced their idols in ways that are so deep and sublime that we, the unaware, are barely able to detect both their influence and their effect.
What options are there? What is there available for us?
Traditional religion has become a corporation, a business offering no real alternative or solution to any problem of any relevance, making those who need its soothing balms the most feel like outcasts and spiritual lepers, rather than feeding the spiritual beggars that crawl to their gold covered, jewel encrusted door!
So WHO AM I WHO WRITES THIS SONG, that the whole world sings, hums, taps along to, without even realising it, or without even wanting to, involuntarily, subconsciously and quite willingly.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Why we work 5 days and only live 2?
Why do we do, what we do, and to what end?
That it's ok to eat animals!
Why you're rich and I'm poor?
Why I'm rich and they're poor!
Hypocrites, society tells me how bad my addictions are, then feeds them!
Why do I give up my life, for shit I don't need?
Why do some die of starvation, others of obesity?
Is there a God?
Does he love the Moslem, Jew or Christian?
Can the Pope make a mistake?
Why must my brother kill my brother, to what end?
It's Ok to kill the unborn!
Why is my God better than your God?
Why is your God better than their God?
Why we must endure such injustice in the name of justice, such subversion in the name of freedom?
Who Decides?

Monday, October 16, 2006

Suffering saves the Soul

Our little joys and hapinesses look like broken toys at the slightest threat of pain and suffering.
Both pleasure and pain can be received as both good and bad, justifying all sorts of behaviour by the recipient, but it is the nature of the emotion, it is a two edged sword that is wielded by the recipient.
Do we necessarily need to have evil results from pain and good results from pleasure, or is this merely what is expected by the masses, what we are trained and taught to do.
We ask ourselves, Why us? Why me? WHY NOT! The voice from within booms back into our faces resoundingly.
What do you expect out of life, what do you want?
Have you ever asked yourself these questions, or have you just taken it for granted that you deserve as much as the next guy, if not more, because you are a decent fellow, better than most, in your own eyes anyway.
We are deluding ourselves if we expect to get through this life, this short period of existence here on this earth, unscathed, unmarked, uncleansed.
It is only through the burning away of the excesses the unnecessary, superfluous cares and concerns can we truly see who and what we are, our role in humanity's timeline and understand that truly we are nothing, we count for nothing and nothing we do matters or makes any difference!.........